Our rewards system is free to join. Points are earned automatically with every purchase made.

Points can be redeemed for additional coupon codes using the "Rewards" bubble in the lower right corner of the website.


All reward participants who reach 500 points in a calendar year will receive:

  • 1 - $5 USD off Coupon


All reward participants who reach 1650 points in a calendar year will receive:

  • 1 - $5 USD gift card
  • 1 - $20 USD off coupon


All reward participants who reach 3000 points in a calendar year will receive:

  • 1100 Bonus Points
  • 1 - $100 USD gift card

Redeeming points for coupon codes does NOT impact your growth towards the next tier.

• 1 point gained for every $3 USD spent •

Points can be redeemed using the Rewards bubble in the lower right corner, codes given can be applied at checkout.


✲ Lovely Tier reward art created by Tree ✲